Post by Admin on Apr 16, 2016 11:20:18 GMT 5.5
Here is another list shared by Sri Ram, on scamdesk.com/online-jobs/. Good job Sri! You are truly helping people in our country to fight against online fraud and cyber-crime. 1. onlinedataentryjobsinus.com 2. virtualofficejob.com 3. datanetjob.com 4. universalinfoservice.com 5. localjobads4u.com 6. dhanya.in 7. dataentryjobs4all.com 8. unfomedia.in 9. dataentryindia.co.in 10. falconnetmarketing.com 11. homebasework.net 12. onlinetypingjobs.net 13. surveyspaysu.com 14. josoftech.com 15. cometinfowave.com 16. citehr.com 17. dataentryindia.com 18. itechbposolution.in 19. arizonadataconnect.in 20. onlinejoboffer.net As per the author, almost all the sites that promise work from home offline are fake and there is a very low probability of it actually being true. Here are a couple of other forums discussing work from home scams in India – cybersafety.boards.net/thread/38/email-sending-provider-websites-details?page=1&scrollTo=82cybersafety.boards.net/thread/36/work-home-scam
Post by Anmol K on Apr 16, 2016 11:23:49 GMT 5.5
Why are there so many job scams in India?
Post by Admin on Apr 16, 2016 11:26:04 GMT 5.5
Again, Sri has some good observations • A lot of job seekers are lazy and they don’t do enough research and they fall for scams which offer a lot of money in a very little time • We want to get rich very quickly • We have very little idea about how work from home model works